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Why We're Raising Money: 

We believe that we can build rockets that break barriers. However, rocketry is expensive. To make another successful run at TARC, qualify for NASA’s Student Launch Program, and to begin work on bigger programs such as a rocket reaching space or beyond, resources are key! Dreaming big and realizing those dreams burns through money, and we’re hoping that your donation can help alleviate some of the stress on our budget.

Goals and Projects:


This will allow Astral Orbit to make a successful run to TARC again in the 2021 - 2022 season.


All projects mentioned above + summer certification flights for all of our members, allowing us to become Level 1 certified with the Tripoli Rocketry Association for High-Power Launches.

$2,500 (Stretch Goal)

All projects mentioned above + accelerated development of an active airbraking/flight control system + rocketry gets our own 3D printer, allowing us much more flexibility and control over our rocket design and components.

© 2023 by Astral Orbit

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